
UK Course

Currently it is the only course that is most closely applicable to my role, and I plan to send my subordinate planners, and recommend it in the strongest terms to my peers. It is fantastic.”

UK Course
UK Course

I consider myself to be a technical operator within the cyber effort. This course highlighted the need to examine the softer skillset of deception and its place in the wider effort.”

UK Course
UK Course

An exceptionally well-delivered system that provided new insights, rigour and structure to established planning methods. Course materials were clear, concise and invaluable to continued development of newly acquired skills.”

UK Course
UK Course

The course has provided me with a method to break down and clarify my thinking around operational problems of all kinds, not just influence and deception.”

UK Course
US Course

10/10. This course fired up my brain and shifted gears to start analysing in a more effective and ‘out of the box’ way.”

US Course
US Course

The Artifice 6 Block Model and other constructs for approaching influence and deception were fantastic, and will be useful throughout our work.”

US Course
US Course

One of, if not the best courses of instruction I have received in my 21-year career. Provides the best analysis and planning models for human factors I’ve observed.”

US Course
US Course

The course was absolutely enlightening. It has provided me with a good foundation for the principles of Information Operations in a way that the US military have lost sight of.”

US Course
UK Course

The course was very beneficial, it helped me understand what aspects drive operational activity and it provided the specialist language to discuss deception operations.”

UK Course
US Course

The framework provides a more methodical approach than we currently use. Really breaking down the steps will help us to consider the problem more fully.”

US Course
US Course

The Artifice System fills a void in current tools and techniques for adversary planning. I will use this in every element of leading my operational teams.”

US Course
UK Course

Solid informative framework to use when developing operations by using detailed modelling and concise language. Will certainly have a major impact on my future work and simplification of ops planning.”

UK Course
US Course

Awesome course! A must for Field-grade and Senior Commissioned Officers. Many applications in Strategic Planning and effective implementation of military plans. Well executed. Operational Commanders will need this training.”

US Course
UK Course

The knowledge gained in this course will absolutely be beneficial to enabling successful operations in cyberspace.”

UK Course
UK Course

Brilliant course and well presented. I feel that the elements presented to me will make me more effective in my role. I’d recommend it to the rest of my team.”

UK Course

“The course was absolutely enlightening. It has provided me with a good foundation for the principles of IO [Information Operations] in a way that we [the US military] have lost sight of.”
US Course

“Awesome course! A must for Field-grade and Senior Commissioned Officers. Many applications in Strategic Planning and effective implementation of military plans. Well executed. Operational Commanders will need this training.”
US Course

“This system is clearly a distillation of many hundreds of hours learning and research – but presented with a clarity and a depth that allows the user to apply the relevant parts. I am buzzing with ideas about how I can apply this!”
UK Course

“It has made me think more on influencing and deception in general and linked with real life examples. The course is useful for those working in and around cyber as the cyber/real world crosses over.”
UK Course

“One of, if not the best, courses of instruction I have received in my 21-year career. Provides the best analysis and planning models for human factors I’ve observed. Fills a void in current tools and techniques for adversary planning. I will use this in every element of leading my operational teams.”
US Course

“I think I am leaving the course with a completely different mindset. On how situations and decisions are planned out and more efficient ways of communicating my ideas and plans. Most definitely the best put together class that I have been to, every day was planned and taught very well. Your (Artifice’s) way of communicating your thought process presented with stats and facts was very helpful.”
US Course

“All of my colleagues who go through ‘US Govt Org X’ would benefit from this course.”
US Course

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